2024 Oom Paul Krugerrands
Folllowing the passing of the ‘Mint Act’ in 1891, two mint presses were ordered from Ludw. Loew & Co. in Berlin to allow for the operation of a Mint for the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek. The machines had a manufacturing date of 1891.
The single surviving press of the two, now fondly known as ‘Oom Paul’, minted more than 8 million coins between 1892 and 1900, and millions of gold sovereigns (gold £1) during the era when South Africa was governed by the British from 1925 to 1933.
When South Africa broke away from the commonwealth and became a Republic, the first decimal 1c coins were struck on ‘Oom Paul’ in 1961.
And it was also on Oom Paul where the first legendary Krugerrand was struck in 1967, which has now become the most traded bullion coin in the world. Originally steam-operated but later remodelled to be powered by electricity, Oom Paul will unfortunately cease to operate beyond 2024.
To mark this final milestone in the machines’ long life, the South African Mint has decided to use Oom Paul to mint the privy mark on these unique special edition 1 oz and ¼ oz Krugerrands.

This 2024 1 oz Krugerrand is struck on the ‘Oom Paul’ minting press and bears a privy mark depicting the iconic press, together with the date of the first coins struck on the press, 1892.
Denomination: 1 oz
Mass: 33.930g
Diameter: 32.69mm
Metal content: Au 916.67 Cu 83.33
Limited edition: xxx

The Oom Paul Krugerrands feature a mark depicting the Oom Paul Press, together with the date of the first coins struck on the press, 1892.
Denomination: 1/4 oz
Mass: 8.482g
Diameter: 22mm
Metal content: Au 916.67 Cu 83.33
Limited edition: xxx

The last of the ‘CW’ (Coin World) privy mark circulation bi-metal R5 coins to be minted on the Oom Paul in the South African Mint’s on-site Museum.

The common obverse design on the gold proof coins features President Paul Kruger, modelled by die-engraver Otto Schultz and struck from the original die used in 1892 for the historic Kruger half-crown coin.